Monday, October 20, 2008

Late start at Beechmont

Today we got off Beechmont pretty late, launching at the tardy time of 9.55am. Apparently in December there are days where you can get away from launch at 7.30am and be crossing the Kerry valley not long after. Beechmont is a great site, but this also says something about the sanity of the Queensland government in not introducing daylight savings. There are all sorts of reasons why they don't do daylight savings, I've heard the fading curtains and cows producing less milk arguments but until now I had never heard the 'children will be killed if we have daylight savings' argument!!

I flew today with Brian Webb, Middy, Matt Senior and Grey Hamilton. It was a really fun day, wind was more to the NE than yesterday and base was much lower (1500m) but it was great fun to keep pushing on with those guys and just see how far we could get. There were a couple of lowish moments but we all got out to the range, Middy flew onto the range at Carr's lookout and continued on to land at Andrew's house in Killarney. I eventually got high enough to take a committing glide onto the range but chose to fly back and land as I wasn't feeling well. I didn't have coffee in the morning and I know that is a really bad thing for me. Well, at least at my current 'caffeine maintenance level' if don't have coffee I can tell you when it's about 1pm because I will start to get a splitting headache, which I did today, coupled with some nausea while turning in the last few thermals which is a new and exciting sensation for me.

I know I can solve this problem long term by drinking coffee less regularly, but I can also solve it immediately by just drinking coffee. Not a hard call :-)

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