Tuesday, October 14, 2008

CC08 Day 4 - Task 3

First gaggle away from launch with Trelawney front and centre. Thanks again to Hamish for the great pics.

The forecast for today was as poor as the last few but again it was
wrong, fortunately even more wrong than the first two tasks.

We had a 57Km task from Mt Tambourine to Maroon goal via one
turnpoint. Conditions were very light around launch so it took some time to get the whole field off the hill. Antje hung around the ridge just a little too long and was not quite able to glide out to the Cat Motel. Antje made it to a small backyard next to a dragon fruit plantation but both looked bad so she took the safer option of a small tree. The excitement was reported on the local TV news including that Antje was 'found' by the land owners jack russel named Ozzie, not true but it makes a warm fuzzy story for the Tuesday evening news :-) Antje was fine but the wing took a small beating. Some pictures from launch and Antje's glider being mercilessly yanked out of the tree can be found here.

A north east wind on course made the run to the turnpoint fast for those who managed to stay high, and for those who didn't it was an exercise in patience. Base was around 1500m but below 1000m the climbs were broken and about as organised as an explosion in a cat food factory. About half the field made the turnpoint and glided off on a strong crosswind leg towards goal but most didn't survive the glide away from the turnpoint as the sea breeze moved in. 6 were in goal, Fred, Middy then Craig with Ron Mackenzie sliding in fourth less than a minute behind. Day results are here and the scores for the whole comp are now online.

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