Sunday, November 9, 2008

Shoulda, coulda

From last Wednesday I was keen about Table Rock for today - very light southerly drift getting stronger further north, high base, cumulus all had me dreaming of drifing over Mudgee and flying on into the sunset. Reality really bites hard sometimes. So after and short flight and a long walk back up the hill, I ate my humble pie, climbed in the car and chased Andy and Kacper who had headed (slowly) north. They got to Lithgow and beyond in what was generally light headwind.

I think the forecast was spot on with decent cloudbase and the L&V wind. However in hindsight I think light and variable days are never going to be great for flying away from the Blue Mountains as they suck so much air in on a sunny day that you are always going to be punching a headwind to the W or NW. What will be interesting is to learn how much S or SE influence is required to overcome the mountain suck and if the amount required is more than we can launch in at Table Rock. I'd love to know what pilots in Forbes (200k further west) did today.