Sunday, January 13, 2008

Manilla Day 1 - Weekend Warrior Weekend Task 1

I'm in Manilla for the next week, hoping to do some good cross country flying. Today was the very first 'Weekend Warrior Weekend' - an informal competition organised by Che and James. Competitors fly in one of four clases - Xena (the fairer pilots), Wookie (just wanna go up), Warrior (still driving to Manilla every weekend) and Jedi (mmm, fly twitchy glider, you will). Pilots came from Sydney and and the North Coast folks managed to swim out and escape the deluge up there so we had 30 pilots competing - not bad for an event that was only announced 3 weeks ago and great work by James and Che to get a weekend series started in NSW which has been a long time coming.

We had a 50Km task to the north with goal at Cobbadah. It was a day that needed an enormous amount of patience, lots of circling and drifting. Many went down just around Barraba and Tarpoly claimed the usual haul. Wes Manzke, Tim Smith and myself all got to goal then Wes and I continued on another 15Km after getting the best climb of the day right over goal, always the way :-)

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